Capture & Data Extraction

Inception offers the best in breed capture software solutions.  Capture has become a vital part of operations.  Organizations are not just scanning documents to archive.  Today, organizations are scanning paper and ingesting digital files from multiple sources such as portals and email to initiate business processes.

How you capture a document in paper or digital form no longer matters.  What does matter is that the key data elements can be extracted from the documents and used to initiate a workflow or past to a line of business application for making decisions or for analytics.

  • Capture documents from virtually any source such as High Volume Document scanners, MFPs, network folders, Sharepoint or Email.
  • Classify documents using AI engines and advanced techniques that identify document types and understand document structures.
  • Extract key data elements from documents using advanced data extraction technology and techniques.
  • Publish data and documents to your Document management system, workflow engines or line of business applications.

Inception offers Capture solutions from various manufacturers such as Kodak, Kofax and Abbyy. Contact us today to discuss how our solutions can help your organization meet your capture goals.

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